cerebral palsy causes & symptoms

Cerebral palsy is a set of neurological disorders that affect balance, muscle tone, and movement. This condition is caused by damage, which occurs in the developing, immature brain, mostly before birth.
Cerebral palsy initiates in the area of the brain that controls the movement of muscles. There are two types of CP- cerebral palsy, when a person is born with this disorder that’s called “congenital CP” and if some get it after the birth it is called as “acquired CP.”

People who have cerebral palsy either can have mild issues with muscle control or severe issues when they cannot walk. Some people even experience difficulty in talking.

Causes of cerebral palsy

Here are some problems that can damage the brain or disrupt its growth are as follow:

·         Bleeding in the brain before birth while baby still in the womb, at the time of birth or after the birth
·         Important organs of the body lacking blood flow
·         Some genetic disorders
·         Seizures during the birth or in the first month after the birth
·         Traumatic brain injuries.

When some of the infections and viruses attack the pregnant woman, the chances of baby getting infected with cerebral palsy increases. These include:

·         Rubella, or German measles
·         Chickenpox
·         Cytomegalovirus, which causes symptoms like flu in the mother
·         Herpes
·         Toxoplasmosis
·         Zika
·         Syphilis

Signs & symptoms

A child with cerebral palsy may experience muscular and movement issues, along with poor muscle tone. Some of the symptoms include:

·         Underdeveloped or overdeveloped muscles, which result in stiff or floppy movements
·         Poor balance and coordination, known as ataxia
·         Slow writhing movements, involuntary, or athetosis
·         Still muscles that contract abnormally, the condition is called as spastic paralysis
·         Crawling in an unusual way
·         Limited movement
·         Depending on one side of the body
·         Lying down in awkward positions
 Other symptoms are as follows:
·         Eyesight and hearing problems
·         Seizures
·         Problems controlling bladder and bowel movements
·         Being easily startled
·         Drooling, and problems with sucking, feeding, and swallowing

·         Late achievement of developmental milestones such as walking, speaking or crawling.

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