eat fruits to lose weight & regulate blood sugar

Fruits are packed with essential vitamins, micro-nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber content. Besides, that fruits are health-friendly with fewer calories and give you feeling of fullness and satiety.

Most of the fruits are the rich source of fiber content, which comes in two forms soluble or insoluble and both are indigestible. A diet high in fiber content reduces cardiovascular morbidity & mortality.
People with diabetes should not eat fruits that have high glycemic index such as fruits which readily digest in the stomach and increase the blood sugars like Chickoo, Mango, grapes, banana (green), custard apple, etc.

Also, consumption of fruit juices should be avoided as the process of condensation raises sugar content of the juice. A glass of juice is almost equivalent to having 2-3 fruits at a time. It is always recommended to munch on fresh fruits instead of gulping fruit juices with or without preservatives.

Fruits for a person with diabetes

·         According to an old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” A diabetic person should eat the apple, as apples have high fiber content, vitamin C and low in carbohydrates. Apples should be eaten with its outer skin as it has essential antioxidants.
·         Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries etc can be eaten. All berries are the rich source of vitamins, antioxidants, and low in carbohydrates.
·         Peaches are rich in potassium, vitamin A & C, and fiber content.
·         Pears contain fiber and potassium. Other fruits such as guava, apricot are also rich in vitamin A and a good option to eat.
·      Oranges are good in vitamin C, folate, and potassium and low in carbohydrate. Other citrus fruits such as grapefruits are also equally good to eat.

if you eat fruits before meals, it will help you to lose weight and regulate your blood sugars.


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