6 effective natural hangover hacks

Most of the people might have experienced the peculiar after drinking effects on their body and mind the next day of heavily boozed.

When you feel a headache, have a stomachache, and not able to get up from your bed, it’s a hangover. Though there is very little information about what leads to hangover according to some theories alcohol interrupts biological rhythms.

The symptoms of hangover vary from person to person, the common one includes anxiety, dizziness, nausea, irritability, stomachache, fatigue, photophobia, body pain, increased heartbeat, bad breath, lethargy, and vomiting.

The most effective cure for a hangover is time. But, there are simple home remedies that can relieve some of the symptoms and lead to quick recovery. Book an online doctor appointment in Bangalore with Cureplus
  1. Water
Hydrating oneself is the best way to hack hangover symptoms. Alcohol dehydrates your body and you have to hydrate it by drinking water at regular intervals. Make sure you drink at least 8-10 glasses water throughout the day.

  1. Lemon
Lemon can help you to prevent the after-effects of heavy drinking such as dizziness, queasiness, muscle pain, body pain, sensitivity to light and sound. Lemon aids in balancing the body, by altering the pH level and controlling the blood sugar level.

  • In a glass of warm water, add two spoons of lemon juice and a spoon of honey.
  • Stir well and drink it.
  • You should follow this as soon as you wake up from the sleep.

  1. Tomato juice
This is another simple remedy to get rid of hangover symptoms. Tomato juice has fructose, a sugar that aids your body to metabolize alcohol more quickly. It is also a rich source of minerals, vitamins, and enzymes that can help you to quickly overcome after-drinking effects.

  1. Honey
Honey is another excellent hangover cure. Boosted with potassium, honey helps to reduce the effects of heavy drinking.
In addition, it also contains fructose, a sugar that aids your body to metabolize alcohol more quickly.

  1. Toast and Egg
Feeding on few slices of plain toast with an egg is a good way to overcome hangover symptoms. The toast has carbohydrates which are the good source of quick recovery. Along with, the charred carbon of the toast acts likes a filter to remove the impurities from the body.
 The egg has cysteine which helps in breaking down the alcohol in the body and reduces its effects.

  1. Banana
Due to heavy drinking, most of the potassium from the body gets drained. To help refill potassium as well as other electrolytes, eating a banana is a simple solution. Besides, a rich source of potassium bananas helps calm the stomach and enhance your energy level.
  • Take one or two bananas in your breakfast following the heavy drinking night.
  • Can also prepare a banana milkshake with honey.


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