Six foods you should eat for naturally glowing & younger skin

As a matter of fact, which may sound a bit funny that our skin is fastest and largest organ in human body. Fairness creams, lotions, moisturizers, and much more all together also cannot provide the required nourishment to get the radiant healthy skin. So what else can you do to make your skin glow? Any idea?

You know, a healthy looking skin is a reflection that shows how healthy you are from inside. But now the question arises if cosmetics, as well as other face essentials available in the market, cannot get you glowing skin, how would you obtain it?

The answer to this quite simple you should eat healthy food, practice regular exercise, and follow skin care routine. Our skin needs nourishment from inside to look glowing and radiant. You must supply all the vital nutrients to skin from inside and get the natural radiant skin.
We have eight foods in the list that will replenish your scorched skin with all the essential nutrients needed for the smooth and radiant skin you have always desired. Now its very easy to find doctor nearby in Bangalore with Cureplus
  1. Avocado: This is also called as butter fruit and is boosted with antioxidants such as beta-carotene and lutein. Avocados not only soften your skin but also hydrate it. You can use it in a moisturizing mask – Mix avocado with 1 teaspoon of honey and apply it on your face. You can also have it in your daily diet in different ways like the milkshake, salad dressing, and much more healthy dishes.

  1. Tomato: Tomatoes also act as a natural sunscreen. These are loaded with natural minerals & vitamins, including Vitamin A, K. B1, B3, B5, B6, B7, and C. The most important thing for beauty which is present in tomato is lycopene, an antioxidant having excellent anti-ageing properties.You can directly apply its pulp on the skin and eating raw tomatoes or its juice also nourishes the skin.

  1. Carrot: This vegetable is called as a powerhouse for naturally glowing skin because of the presence of ample amount of beta carotene which aids in preventing the degeneration of cells, slowdowns aging and gives glowing skin. The vitamin A, present in the carrot juice also keeps eyes, body tissue, teeth, and bones healthy. You can take it either as a juice or salad.

  1. Beetroot: This is another vegetable boosted with vitamins and minerals which give you glowing skin. It prevents an outburst of pimples and acne due to its anti-inflammatory property. The consumption of beetroot will reduce blemishes as well as dark spots in five weeks or more, because of the high content of potassium, niacin, iron, copper, and vitamin C. A glass of beetroot juice every day purifies the blood and removes toxins.

  1. Spinach: This green leafy vegetable is a rich source of iron and antioxidants which have an anti-inflammatory property. These antioxidants sweep away toxins and make your skin less prone to pimples as well as blemishes. You can it as a soup or make a tasty curry with it.

  1. Almonds: Almonds are a rich source of vitamin E. as the research vitamin E nourishes the skin and protect it from harmful UV radiation, also combats the cell damage caused by the free radicals. Therefore, having six to eight almonds daily is good for skin.


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