2 healthy detox recipes

Healthy living and fitness have become the topmost priorities of people these days. People are spending hours in the gym while working out on their body parts heaping stubborn fat. Weight loss process also needs foods that burn fats along with regular exercise.

We have three recipes that will not treat your taste buds but also promotes good health as well as beauty inside out. These recipes are a great escape for people with excess weight, PCOD/PCOS, acidity, and high cholesterol.

Rainbow salad (rich in anti-oxidants)

For salad
·         50 gms cucumber
·         50 gms baby corn
·         50 gms capsicum
·         50 gms zucchini
·         50 gms green bell pepper
For dressing
·         2 tsp lemon juice
·         1/4 tsp stevia powder
·         Salt to taste
1.       Mix all the dressing ingredients and keep it aside at least for 1 hour.
2.       Cut all the salad vegetables finely
3.      Add the dressing to the finely cut vegetables and mix it well
4.      Keep it in the refrigerator. Serve cold.

Fruit Salad (rich in fiber)

·         2 sliced apples
·         1 cup pomegranate
·         8 sliced oranges
·         7 mint leaves
·         2 tsp lime juice
·         2 tsp honey
·         ¼ tsp chat masala
1.      In a bowl, mix all the fruits, add lime juice and toss.
2.      Sprinkle some chat masala, mint and drizzle with honey
3.      Mix all the ingredients and enjoy.


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