your smart phone is more harmful than you think!

Nowadays, one in every five people in the world owns a Smartphone. The popularity of these incredible little devices is increasing day by day, alongside our obsession of own one. We are so used to our smart-phones that we feel like we can’t live without it – luckily – you usually don’t have to. They help us to stay connected as well as updated, organized and entertained.

These little devices have eliminated our need for an alarm clock, notepads, address books, and cameras. Along with so many benefits, they bring along a handful of other health problems. In case of any serious health issue do seek your healthcare provider’s help and find the best doctors in Bangalore with cost-effective medical service in Bangalore.

1.      It affects your eyes
Spending a couple of consecutive hours staring at your smart-phone can put your eyes under risks including dry eyes, headaches, blurred vision, blinking less, and general eyestrain especially if you already have untreated eye problems.

2.      Make you feel more depressed
Studies suggest the link between frequent social media use and depression. Being constantly viewing images of everyone looking successful as well as happy results in unhealthy and inaccurate comparisons and lowering feelings of self-worth.

3.      It can stimulate nomophobia or the fear of living without phone
You feel safe and secure from having a fully charged phone in your hand. Nomophobia is opposite, which will make you think that you are not safe without a phone in your hand.

4.      It may give you “Rinxiety” or “Phantom pocket vibration syndrome
This condition refers to anxiety comes from missed messages and phone calls and the more you check your phone, the worse it becomes.

5.      It could weaken your memory
Having a smart-phone in hand, there is no reason to memorize things as you know you can easily look up such as phone numbers, birthday or anniversary reminder, and daily tasks. When you stop memorizing figures and facts, your power to remember things get a little rusty.

6.      It shrinks your self-esteem
Smart-phones give people the power to filter everything about their daily life and display the best parts in the public. All this makes you feel bad about living your real life.

7.      It triggers the sense of jealousy
Your smart-phone updates and connects you to all the awesome things everyone else is doing in their lives. After seeing all this you can get the feel of jealousy, hence it is a trigger.

8.      It can cause your weight gain
The phone is the biggest distraction, especially at mealtime. While scrolling through your Facebook feed, you tend to put your attention when your body sends the signal to stop eating. Hence, it contributes to excess eating, which can lead to weight gain.

9.      It put a halt on the growth of your social skills
A phone is a way of interacting people in any social situation. It is a barrier that could hinder your development of proper communication skills.

10.  Interferes with your sleep

If you’re one among those who use some kind of electronic device during the time before bed, the artificial blue light from these devices could suppress the hormones that induce sleep and make it more difficult to sleep. 


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