8 mistakes you make while brushing your teeth

Keeping your teeth as well as gums in good health requires regular visits to the dentist. However, a good dental care begins at home. It is very important to brush your teeth the right way to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

1.      Using toothbrush for too long
The average life of a toothbrush is about three months with consistent use twice a day for seven days a week. When you have used your brush for about 200 times, you need to change your brush as the bristles tend to be worn out and frayed. And the brush with broken bristles won’t clean your oral cavity properly.
Grab a new toothbrush once the bristles lose their flexibility.

2.      Not brushing your teeth for enough of time
Brushing teeth for two minutes is the most recommended duration by dental professionals. Most of the people brush for just 45 seconds. Brushing for less than 2 minutes is not the sufficient time fluoride in your toothpaste to attach to the enamel in your tooth.
So, brushing for 2 minutes is most recommended duration for healthy teeth and gums.

3.      After brushing teeth rinsing your mouth with water
Yes, you heard it right! You should avoid rinsing your mouth with water after brushing your teeth. Because when water mixes with the toothpaste it dilutes the toothpaste and reduces the efficiency of the fluoride present in the toothpaste.

4.      Keeping your toothbrush in the bathroom
We all must be guilty of making this mistake. Because we all store your toothbrush in the bathroom when you flush your toilet – the contents present in your toilet bowl sprayed in all directions.
Your toothbrush could contain several harmful microorganisms, which can affect your oral cavity as well as other body parts.
So, store your toothbrush in some other place such as the nightstand or inside your medicine cabinet.

5.      Not flossing regularly
If you do not already – get used to flossing teeth daily. Flossing is really important at least once a day to remove plaque buildup between your teeth, where your toothbrush bristles cannot reach. If plaque is left undisturbed in your teeth, it can turn into hard calcified deposits on your teeth.

6.      Not cleaning your tongue
Cleaning tongue is as essential as brushing and flossing for dental hygiene because it will prevent bad breath and removes bacteria.

7.      Brushing with a hard bristle toothbrush
If the toothbrush you are using to clean the teeth has hard bristles, they can hurt your gums and softens the enamel with time. So, go for soft or extra soft bristles toothbrush.

8.      Brushing teeth for more than two times a day  

There is no need to brush your teeth for more than two times a day. Most of the people think it is good to brush after every meal. But actually brushing teeth for more than two times a day may hurt your gums and erodes the out-covering enamel on your teeth and that’s not something that you expect. 


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