foods to avoid during polycystic ovarian disorder (PCOD)

What is PCOD?

PCOD is a disorder that is initiated by a hormonal imbalance. Women with PCOS have higher levels of androgen, which is also known as male hormones. To know more about polycystic ovarian disorder (COD) refer to the previous article

Women with PCOD should be very careful about their eating habits especially the food that can bring about a great deal of change in one’s health. Just like there are foods that can help in dealing with PCOD, there are also some foods suggested by the healthcare provider one should cut off totally if you are suffering from PCOD/PCOS. Find doctors in Bangalore and you can also book an online doctor appointment in Bangalore to ask any queries about PCOS/PCOD to get an effective treatment.

·         Dairy

Milk, as well as milk products, cause a rise in testosterone levels. It has a protein that limits normal testosterone level in the body. As a result, testosterone has not managed that lead to higher levels of testosterone in the body. In PCOD woman the testosterone levels are already high, and dairy products just worsen the problem.

·         Foods with high GI (Glycemic Index)
Foods having a high GI cause a sudden rise in blood sugar levels. Foods with a high GI that you should avoid include muffins, white rice, cakes, mashed potatoes, and rice cakes.

·         Unhealthy Fats

If you have PCOD cut off red meat, dairy products, processed foods, and fatty foods from your diet.

·         Soy products
Studies suggest that soy has been associated with delayed ovulation. So, women having PCOD should avoid soy products especially those who are trying to conceive. 


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