5 ways to maintain a healthy spine!

From spinal stenosis and herniated disc to strained muscles, it may take some time to diagnose as well as treat the causes of back pain. Spinal cord health is an essential for the body as it provides support to the body. An unhealthy spinal cord can result in various complicated problems.

Given below are 5 important exercises in order to maintain a healthy spine:

1.      Working out on core muscles can help you to maintain a healthy and fit spine. Your core muscles include the muscles of your lower back and abdominal muscles. These muscles together render support to your spine. So working out on them can result in a healthy spine.

2.      Regular walking or jogging can also give you a strong spine. All age groups can do regular walking or brisk walking to maintain a healthy spinal cord. Daily walking can help in recovering from various spinal problems as well as spinal stenosis.

3.      Swimming is also a good exercise for maintaining a healthy spinal cord. Swimming aids to work out on all back muscles and thus, provides you a fit spinal cord.

4.      Lying down straight with your face down on a form and even surface for around twenty minutes can help you to get a fit spinal cord and also a good body posture.

5.      Cycling is another way to achieve a healthy spine. With cycling, all back muscles and the muscles of the lower part of the body are involved in physical activity. if your lower back muscles are strong, then it can help you to keep your spine healthy.

Apart from these exercises, stretching your limbs and other stretching exercises are also beneficial for a fit spine. But one should recommend a doctor before doing any exercise, get the best doctors in Bangalore for any spinal cord problem. 


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