Are you suffering from eating disorder?

Do you feel hungry all the time? I am sure this piece of write-up would help to tackle your issue.

First of all, do you know what eating disorder is?

Eating disorders are characterized by irregular eating habits and rigorous suffering about body shape.
Eating problems may comprise of excessive or inadequate intake of food which can result in destroying an individual’s well-being.
Off-course food makes up the major part of our life. It gives us energy and provides all the vital nutrients for proper physiological as well as the mental functioning of our bodies. Food also a way to create happiness in our life, as we meet-up over meals at home, office, coffees, luncheons, dinner, etc.
Often, because of fast-paced busy life, we fail to balance our eating habits with “exercise” and “healthy”. Find the best diagnostic centers in Bangalore with Cureplus

Signs & Symptoms to show you are having eating disorder

A man or woman victimized by eating disorder shows several signs & symptoms, here are few:
·         Regular weight rise and falls
·         Crash dieting even though seriously underweight
·         Obsessed with fat and high calories food
·         Follow ritualistic eating patterns, like eating alone, cutting food into small pieces, and hiding food.
·         Depression
·         Stick to particular recipes, food, or cooking patterns.
·         Refraining oneself from family, friends, and other social functions.
·         Switching between times of fasting and overeating

Causes of eating disorders

Even though the real cause of eating disorders is not known, it is usually believed that psychological, biological, and environmental factors contribute to these disorders.
Biological factors are:
·         Deficiencies in nutrients
·         Hormone irregularity
·         Genetics
Psychological factors are:
·         Poor self-esteem
·         Negative body image

Types of eating disorders

·         Anorexia Nervosa – People who are suffering from anorexia nervosa shows a typical obsessive fear of gaining weight and refrain from maintaining a healthy body weight. This disorder can have serious health effects, such as bone loss, infertility, multi-organ failure, brain damage, and heart failure.
·         Bulimia Nervosa – This eating disorder is associated with repeated binge eating followed by behaviors that compensate for overeating, including excessive exercise, forced vomiting, and extreme use of diuretics. Bulimia can have severe effects, such as severe hydration, heart difficulties, and gastrointestinal problems.
·         Binge eating disorders – Individuals with binge eating disorder, regularly lose control over his or her eating habits.

Treatments for eating disorders:

·         Have proper nutrition
·        Consult a doctor
 Go for a therapy 


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