Surprising health benefits of music

If you’re music lover, you would definitely be enjoying good health.

Charles Darwin had said, “If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week.” 

Music usually helps people to divert their minds from painful and stressful situations in life. Without understanding the fact that music really aids in getting relief from our sufferings, we often listen to music when we are in bad mood to calm down, or when we are sad, somehow it enlightens us with positive energy.

According to the scientists, people who listen to music are having more positive attitude towards problems and life as compared to people who do not listen to music. Listening to music induces the center of the brain, releases dopamine which makes you feel happy and elated.
Music helps in enhancing human health in various ways.
  1. Music cures depression
Nearly 90% of the world’s crowd is suffering depression, and as the research suggested the symptoms of depression significantly drops down when someone is under the influence of music.
  1. Music induces happiness
Proven by experts that when you listen to music, your brain releases dopamine, which is happiness induces neurotransmitter. However, it makes people feel happier and even elated.
  1. Music improves the performance
Your brain works faster while listening to music as compared to a normal situation. Because calms down people and that make them work faster.
  1. Music reduces stress and enhances health
Nowadays, stress is the main reason for people suffering from several chronic diseases such as heart attack, stroke. When you listen to music, you enjoy it which decreases levels of the stress hormone in your body, hence keeps you healthy.
  1. Music induces good sleep
Millions of people are victims of sleeping disorder, insomnia. A research showed people who listen soothing and relaxing music before sleeping, have a better sleep at night as compared to others.
  1. Music improves concentration and memorizing power
Music can actually help you in learning and remembering your lessons and information better but is depends on your to what extent you like the music and particular musician.


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