Have a glance at the tips to keep your peepers healthy

Eyes are really gifted from God. We should always make proactive and conscious efforts to keep our eyes healthy for the long run.
  • Take more of green veggies and fruits in your daily diet. It will benefit not only your body to stay fit but also your eyes for sharp vision.
  • Have an adequate sleep at night to avoid red, puffy and tired eyes.
  • Always touch or rub your eyes with clean and washed hands to avoid infections and allergies in eyes.
  • Visit an eye specialist at least once in six months to ensure that your peepers are healthy.
  • Smoking and liquor damage eye muscles and tiny blood vessels, thus the high risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, dry eye syndrome, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and other eye disorders.
  • Always wear sunglasses when you go out in the sunlight to protect your eyes from harmful rays.
  • Include regular exercise in your daily plan to keep your eyes healthy by increasing of more blood flow and oxygen to yes.
  • Keep some distance from electronic screens such as TV, LCD, Computer, and laptop etc.


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